The Soap Village is located in the town of Fiałki, picturesquely hidden amongst hills, fields and forests. The fresh, clean air and the richness of nature make it a true oasis of relaxation. The Soap Village offers workshops dedicated to soap-and bath salts-making, old laundry workshops, oil-making workshops and herbal workshops.
Warsztaty Mydlarskie
Uczestnicy poznają proces powstawania mydła glicerynowego z roślinnymi dodatkami. Własnoręcznie wykonują mydło, tworząc kompozycję zapachową oraz dobierając dodatki roślinne i kolor. Drugim produktem wykonanym własnoręcznie przez uczestników jest sól do kąpieli. Uczestnicy warsztatów zabierają ze sobą mydło i sól do kąpieli, które sami zrobili. Zajęcia połączone z Warsztatami w Starej Pralni.
Soap workshops
Participants get to know the old tools used in the laundry: washboards, manual, mechanical and electrical washing machines as well as carbon and core iron and different types of calenders, starting with large industrial ones. Each of the the participants takes part in washing, calendering and ironing work with old equipment collected in the village.
Herbal-Graphic workshops
During the workshops we get to know herbs, collect them and fix them with graphic methods.
Participants design and produce graphics using the monotype method, which they then take home.
Soap Making Demonstration
Participants have the unique opportunity to press linseed, hemp, sunflower and rapeseed oil themselves. You will learn about the properties of oils, their taste and smell, as well as the plants and seeds from which the oil was extracted. The pressed oil is used to produce a natural sodium soap, which is produced with the help of workshops. Each participant receives a piece of natural soap as a souvenir.
Workshop on the production of essential oils
The workshop starts with a visit to the garden of aromatic plants, from which we extract herbs for the production of essential oils. Participants learn about the production process of oils, their different types and their application.
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